Independent Review (Equalities Act)
Expression of Interest
Following the recent employment tribunal relating to racial discrimination against three white officers, Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Barber, has instigated an independent review to reassure him that TVP’s actions, decisions, policies and procedures are in line with the Equalities Act and are fair and inclusive to all employees, irrespective of their background and/or protected characteristics.
The PCC also seeks to identify areas where there may be recurring themes leading to a lack of confidence from the public, or internally by the workforce, requiring further scrutiny and improvement.
The PCC is seeking expressions of interest from experienced Diversity, Equality and Inclusion experts who would be able to conduct the independent review on his behalf. The procurement of this is based on a minimum of three independent quotes being received and the main criterion for consideration of the quotes will be the following:
- 1) Value for money
- 2) Experience in the field
- 3) Independence from Thames Valley Police
- 4) Availability to carry out the review during October 2024
Expressions of interest should be submitted by close of play on Friday 6th September to his Chief Executive Gillian Ormston via email to The Chief Executive will then contact those expressing an interest w/c 9th September to discuss terms of reference to enable a full and detailed quote to be provided by close of play on Friday 13th September 2024.
It is anticipated this work will commence around w/c 30th September (dependent on the approved suppliers availability and any vetting that might be required). This proposed timeline is indicative and should not exclude any interested individual / company from expressing an interest given the essential criterion set out above.