Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Matthew Barber, is today launching a £100,000 fund to support community groups across the Thames Valley.
The Community Fund is intended to support voluntary and community groups that help to prevent crime and keep communities safe.
Money for the scheme comes from the Police Property Act Fund, which is jointly managed by the PCC and the Chief Constable, and is created from the proceeds from the sale of items seized from criminals that cannot be returned to their rightful owners.
Organisations from across Thames Valley can apply for either a micro grant (under £1,000), or larger grant (over £5,000) for projects that support one of the PCC’s ‘Police and Criminal Justice Plan’ priorities:
- Strong Local Policing (preventing crime & protecting communities)
- Fighting Serious Organised Crime (protecting vulnerable people)
- Fighting Fraud & Cybercrime (fighting modern crimes)
- Improving the Criminal Justice System (reducing re-offending)
- Tackling illegal encampments (reducing the impact of encampments)
Matthew said: “I’m pleased to be launching this year’s Community Fund, offering support to both community and voluntary organisations across Thames Valley to support my policing priorities.
“A key part of my Police & Criminal Justice Plan is to enable organisations across Thames Valley to collaborate and tackle issues facing our communities. From fighting modern crimes, including cybercrime and fraud, to protecting vulnerable people and reducing reoffending.”
Chief Constable John Campbell, said: “Our officers and staff work hard to get justice for victims. For certain types of investigations this can include seizing assets from those who seek to make a living from crime. These funds can then be used to fund a variety of worthy work across the Thames Valley.
“Today’s launch of the Community Fund offers funding to those voluntary and community groups across the Thames Valley who run projects that contribute to preventing crime, protecting our communities and fighting modern crimes.
“Those organisations who are reducing offending by focusing on prevention and early intervention are a key priority in this round, as well as those organisations who work with the most vulnerable. We are particularly keen to receive bids that support our priority areas.
The closing date for this round of applications is 11.59pm on Sunday 3rd October and applications will be considered jointly by the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and the Chief Constable.
Successful recipients will be invited to attend a presentation ceremony, due to be held in November 2021.