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Policies and Procedures

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Below is a series of policies, procedures and guidance which are relevant to our office.

The Budget Book is the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC) published plan of all expected income and expenditure for the financial year. It contains a detailed summary of the income we expect to get from central government, local tax payers and other sources such as special grants.

Community Remedy derived from a public consultation in 2012-2013 run by the Home Office. After receiving support from a majority of respondents, the idea of Community Remedy became a key element of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.

The Anti Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy (including Whistle Blowing) is a joint policy for our Office and Thames Valley Police. It includes a policy in relation to handling qualifying disclosures.

The Annual Treasury Management Strategy Statement includes the proposed borrowing and investment strategies, and sets out the prudential indicators and treasury management activity limits for the period 2024/25

The Asset Management Plan explains the strategic direction of both the property assets and management of those assets in order to support the delivery of the Force strategic objectives.

The Capital Strategy provides a high-level overview of how capital expenditure, capital financing and treasury management activity contribute to the delivery of desired outcomes.

Here is our Code of Conduct.

The Commissioning Strategy details how we commission services across the Thames Valley.

The Complaints Policy provides all the details you need to make a formal complaint against the Police and Crime Commissioner or a member of our staff.

The Contract Management Strategy outlines our key principles for contract management and the process we follow. It also contains information on performance reporting and our governance arrangements.

The Data Protection Policy outlines how the OPCC are compliant with GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, as well as providing the procedure for dealing with breaches.

 The Reserves Strategy provides information on the level of reserves, balances and provisions currently held and explains how some of these will be applied over the next four years to help support the revenue budget and capital programme.

Our Financial Strategy sets out how Thames Valley Police (the PCC and the Force) will structure and manage its finances to support the delivery of the aims and objectives of the service, as set out in the Police and Criminal Justice Plan, and to ensure sound financial management and good stewardship of public money.

Our Decision Making Policy sets out the decision-making process for the Police and Crime Commissioner. You can also visit our Decision Making section to see details of all the decisions made by the PCC.

The Gifts and Hospitality Policy provides the PCC and all staff with guidance regarding how gifts and hospitality may be given or received and in what circumstances they should be declined.

The Information Sharing Agreement sets out the terms and conditions under which information help by Thames Valley Police will be shared with the OPCC and vice versa.

The Improving Safety of Women and Girls Strategy sets out the role we can all play in ending VAWG as part of a coordinated partnership response in the Thames Valley.

Here is our Investment Strategy.

The Joint Corporate Governance Framework is for the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable and includes the Statement of Corporate Governance, Code of Corporate Governance, Scheme of Corporate Governance and Financial Regulations.

Here are the Chief Constable Financial Instructions (CCFI).

Our Modern Slavery Statement sets out the actions we need to understand about potential modern slavery risks related to our business and provision of services. , It also puts in place steps that are aimed at ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking present in our business and supply chain.

The Privacy Notice explains how we use your personal information and the ways in which we protect your privacy.

The Publication Scheme outlines what information should be recorded by us and made available to the public. This includes information on the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011.

The Records Management and Disposal Policy aims to prevent the premature destruction of records, provide consistency of preservation/destruction and improve record management.

The Travel and Subsistence Policy details what travel and subsistence claims can be made by the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Thames Valley Police Proposed Fees and Charges. There are a limited range of activities where it is appropriate for the Force to make charges to individuals or organisations to recover costs of policing services provided. To ensure consistency across the service these charges are set in accordance with National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) and the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) guidelines for charging for police services. This report sets out the Fees and Chargeable rates applicable for 2023/24.