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Grants and Funding

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Community Safety

Investigating and enforcing crime is not the only, nor the best approach to making communities safer.  The police cannot cut crime on their own. Effective partnership working is essential. The PCC works with other local leaders to improve outcomes for communities and make sure that local resources are used efficiently and effectively. There are 12 Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) that bring together key partners at local council levels and they form a bedrock of delivery on crime reduction and prevention.

CSPs consist of five ‘responsible authorities’ – police, local authority, fire and rescue authority, probation provider and Integrated Care Boards (ICB) and are under a duty to assess local community safety issues and draw up a partnership plan setting out their priorities.

The Partnership Fund

The Partnership Fund is a direct grant from the PCC to Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) to deliver community safety initiatives and address the priorities in the PCC’s Police & Crime Plan.

The PCC allocation to each local authority is as follows:

Bracknell Forest£142,644£142,644£142,644
Milton Keynes£340,634£340,634£340,634
West Berkshire£175,844£175,844£175,844

Other grant funding

Safer Streets funding announcements

Restart Thames Valley

Over £600k secured from the Ministry of Justice Local Leadership and Integration Fund for a one year pilot programme. Restart Thames Valley is a partnership programme to develop solutions to the challenges faced by people leaving prison in a bid to reduce reoffending.

Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Interventions Fund

Over £2.8m of Home Office funding was secured to support the delivery of two Thames Valley wide projects, to reduce child and adult domestic abuse, tackle stalking and reduce reoffending over the next two years.

STAR (Science, Technology and Research)

£400k awarded from the STAR (Science, Technology, Analysis and Research) Fund towards technology and data to help prevent crime.

Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence funding

£4.4m of Ministry of Justice funding secured over 3 years to support victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence. Read more in our press release (link)

The OPCC also manages the Community Fund (previously known as the Police Property Act Fund) which supports voluntary and community groups that help to prevent crime and keep communities safe. To find out more visit our Community Fund page.

Homicide Prevention Fund

£200,000 of Home Office funding secured to to implement an early intervention support programme for under 18’s in Slough who are arrested for knife/weapon related offences.