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ASB Mediation Service

Invitation to Quote

Home > Our Work > Grants and Funding > Thames Valley ASB Mediation Service – Invitation to Quote

The Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner (OPCC) for Thames Valley is looking to commission a Service Provider who can ensure that mediation is effectively and efficiently delivered.


The purpose of Mediation in the Thames Valley is for the prevention of escalation of anti-social behaviour (ASB) in our communities.  Mediation helps to resolve neighbour and community disputes that, if left, can escalate and cause significant harm and distress for those affected.

Mediation provides an independent support service and can offer a solution when there is no clear course of action open to a statutory agency such as the police or local authority. It also represents an alternative to court proceedings and intervention by statutory agencies.

Mediation aims to resolve disputes between parties by employing a systematic approach in which the feelings of both sides are explored. Common ground is sought and the focus is on the future rather than the past.

A mediation service was piloted in parts of the Thames Valley and experienced significant benefits for all parties.  For example, in one local authority area, the percentage of cases where the referring agency received no further reports of the neighbour related ASB after the offer of mediation was made to the complainant but no referral was subsequently made was 75%.


The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Thames Valley wants to ensure that mediation is more widely accessible to communities across the Thames Valley.  The Office of the PCC is, therefore, looking to commission a Service Provider who can ensure that mediation is effectively and efficiently delivered. The service will also seek to build awareness and understanding of mediation and its potential benefits amongst our partner agencies and communities. 

The service delivery period will be for three years. There may be some variance in the dates, depending on when the service is commissioned. There is an option to extend the service at the end of the period by up to two years.

The value of the service is £60,000 per annum.

To apply

Further information can be found on the Cabinet Office site Find A Grant:

To apply, please download the full documentation and application details:

Closing date: 26 January 2024, 23:59

ITQ Quote timetable

  • 2.2 Date of Issue of ITQ to all Bidders – 22/12/2023
  • 2.3 Latest date/time ITQ clarification questions should be received – 15/01/2024 (18:00)
  • 2.4 Latest date/time ITQ clarification answers should be sent to all potential Bidders by the Authority – 19/01/2024 (18:00)
  • 2.5 Latest date/time ITQ Bid shall be received – 26/01/2024 (23:59)
  • 2.6 Anticipated Award Notification Date – 16/02/2024 (estimated)
  • Bid Validity Period – 90 days from the date specified in 2.5 (above)