The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner is providing training on Lived Experience Engagement to organisations supporting victim-survivors of crime.
The online training is taking place on Thursday 16th November from 9.30am to 2.30pm and will be delivered by Lisa Ward.
The training will cover how to truly co-produce services for victim-survivors or crime, highlighting best practice and exploring issues such as wellbeing and support, robust policies and procedures, and toolkits and evidence that support this work.
By the end of the session participants will:
• understand what is meant by co-production and the challenges and benefits it brings
• understand the different methods of engagements and the advantages and disadvantages of these
• understand how to co-produce with victim-survivors of crime, how to work in trauma informed ways
• understand how to support the wellbeing of those with lived experience
This training is limited to 25 delegates so organisations are asked to designate one member of their team to attend.
To attend, please book a space through Eventbrite