The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has announced a fund for Domestic Abuse (DA) and Sexual Violence (SV) Services. PCCs have been given responsibility for administering this funding and we are now seeking applications.
The full funding allocation across England and Wales is £15.7m for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence services and £3.75m for an ISVA and IDVA fund to recruit additional posts in 2022/23.
To be eligible to apply for this funding organisations must provide support services which have the purpose of helping victims of SV or DA cope with the impacts of crime, and, as far as possible, recover from the harm they have experienced. Organisations do not need to be a registered charity, a charitable incorporated organisation, or a social enterprise to be eligible.
The funding is for 3 years from 2022/23 – 2024/25 which will assist services in future planning. The allocation however must be spent within each financial year with no option to carry funding over.
The evaluation of the bids and funding decisions will be made by the MoJ, however the PCC has identified priority areas for the Thames Valley. We would particularly welcome bids that incorporate the following:
- Specialist counselling/ therapeutic for DA/ SV victims – children/young people and adult. To both clear existing waiting lists and expand future availability
- Psychoeducational support for DA/SV – group and/or individual
- Structured group work for DA/SV – including freedom programmes and similar, therapeutic group work etc.
- DA related stalking support
- Support for victims with complex needs
- Where possible support that is available over a wider geographical area e.g. Thames Valley or where pathways could potentially be joined up with other similar provision to be available across the Thames Valley
- ISVA/ IDVA/ CHISVA/ CHIDVA – particularly keen to see support for those with protective characteristics including BAMER, elderly, LGBT, disabled.
Please be aware that as per the MoJ guidance, DA accommodation costs and support within accommodation is not eligible for the DA/SV fund.
Please read the full MoJ guidance which includes the evaluation criteria, before submitting your application.
When completing the application, any requests for funding for IDVAs/ ISVAs/ CHISVAs/CHIDVAs should be included on the ISVA/IDVA tab of the application spreadsheet and any other funding requests should be put on the DA/SV Fund tab. You are welcome to put in bids for both funds. If you would like to include any further information to support your bid e.g. cost breakdowns, further information on service delivery, data etc. then please include on a new tab.
A number of organisations were funded from the ISVA/IDVA fund in 2021/22 for two years and we are currently waiting for confirmation from the MoJ on whether the funding for those posts will also continue until 24/25. Once we have further information we will contact the organisations involved directly.
To apply for the fund please complete the application spreadsheet and email it to
The closing date for applications is 10am 3rd May 2022.
Please email any questions about the fund to